Bloggy Howl, I have a Blog!

A sometimes serious, sometimes fun collection of my writings, readings and online activities...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Okay Neeta, so you tagged me

Okay, so Neeta tagged me with this and I have to tell you 20 random things about me.
Truth is, everything about me is random. No one knows what I'm going to do next, not even I. But anyway, here's the list of 20 random things about me:
  1. I've won more prizes at debating and elocution competitions than I can count. My style was to lull the competition into a sense of security by appearing to be insignificant and then zapping the judges with my voice.
  2. I once forgot my mum's name. I was about ten, engrossed in a book and when a stranger came to the door asking for Mrs. Morris, I looked up and said irritatedly, “There's no one here by that name”
  3. I'm a shameless show-off. I use every opportunity to show off, although in dress and appearance I seem to be conservative. The old “lull 'em and then zap 'em” technique.
  4. I was once locked up in the school library because I was so engrossed in reading, I didn't hear the bell.
  5. My first acting role was that of a female. I played “Sunday's Child” in the First Standard Concert and had to wear my sister's clothes. That's when I learned that girls' jeans buttoned at the side. They don't any more, I know.
  6. My second acting role was that of an Elf-gardener. Don't ask me to explain, I hardly remember the play myself. All I can remember very vividly is that the play involved the loss of the King's pocket-knife, which was to be found in his pocket – he having forgotten he was carrying it all the time. On the day of the final performance, the “King” dropped the knife on stage two minutes into the performance and a very helpful gardener (not me) picked it up and handed it back to the King in full view of the audience.
  7. My third acting role was that of a female again. I played the Fairy Queen and my old teacher still calls me that when she meets me. The poor dear has no idea what the term has come to mean.
  8. When I was working with the Dubai Drama Group, I learned that mothers of English women don't teach them to sit on the floor without showing underwear. It was a pretty happy discovery.
  9. I have never held a job for more than three years' running. Whether that's a good thing or not, it's a pretty fun thing.
  10. Whenever I tell a girl / woman about my role as Charley's Aunt in the eponymous play, her reaction has been, “What did you do for the boobs?”
  11. I miss my Yezdi. I got it for my 21st birthday and had some pretty torrid times with it, including scraping along the street behind it at 60 km. per hour as its crash guard spewed sparks about a metre long. I never changed the crash guard and it bore the signs of macadam scrape to the day I sold it.
  12. I became a copywriter by walking into an Ad Agency and asking for the job. Rather, I offered to be one and, to my surprise, was accepted. That's when I learned that you're more likely to be hired if you present yourself as a solution rather than someone in need of a job.
  13. When I was in the corporate environment, female subordinates were wont to call me by the name of their husbands / boyfriends. Don't ask me why, but I've been called Unni, Shrikanth and Girish, those names being the ones of the respective significant others of the females addressing me.
  14. Whatever I do, I never seem to be able to escape the shenanigans of the MSEB (Maharashtra State Electricity Board) – now the MSEDC. When I was working for a Computer Academy that hadn't paid its bills and was therefore penalised by having its electricity cut off, I had to go and sort matters out. When I was handling the Communication Department of Skyline Communications, the MSEB cut off my electricity because I wasn't home to show the linesman that I had indeed paid the bill. I am currently trying to get them to correct a bill that's based on an erroneous meter reading. This is day 8 of my current fight with them.
  15. When I meet Neeta next, I am going to make her suffer for dragging me into this tag business by playing on my sense of fair play.
  16. I'm about the most egotistical human being you are ever going to meet. So don't meet me. I'm also anti-social.
  17. I get horribly bored with routine. That's one of the reasons I hate this tag, which requires me to post 20 things about myself, one after another. I'd rather post them in reverse order. Perhaps I have.
  18. 99.999999% of people have no clue what goes into a theatrical production. Consider being offered a 10 ft x 10 ft. stage and, when you say “Gosh,” being asked, “Too big?” For you Philistines, a 10 ft x 10 ft stage can't even fit a sofa. Where are you going to put the actors and the telephone?
  19. Every contemporary comedy has a telephone. Check it out
  20. I'm bored with this tag. When do we get to talk about sex?
And I'm supposed to tag others.
So I won't. The tag stops here. Wanna make something of it? Fine, you're tagged.


At 2:15 AM , Blogger N said...

Err... how exactly do you plan to make me suffer? And what is it with you and all these women's roles? :D

This 20 random thingy wasn't all that bad an idea. Didn't know lotsa stuff about you.


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