Bloggy Howl, I have a Blog!

A sometimes serious, sometimes fun collection of my writings, readings and online activities...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Tag Stops Here

So Keefieboy decided to tag me. Big deal. Ole chap (well, he's older than me!) doesn't know I'm the quintessential rebel and tags don't make no difficuns ta me.

So I'll respond to his tag just 'coz, and I shall not re-tag others. The tag stops here. If you're desperate to be tagged, figure out how to contact me and I'll tag you but you gotta say "tag me please". What can I say? Tag - you're it! ? What a load of hooey.

So here's the tag (just 'coz I, as others, secretly enjoy revealing more about me but I, unlike others, am iconoclastic enuff to stop it at that.):

Four jobs I’ve had:

I don't have jobs, never have, never will. Ask any boss who's ever tried to have me on the carpet.

Four movies I can watch over and over:


I, and MOVIES? You have to be OUT OF YOUR MIND. Theatre rules!

Four places I’ve lived:

Not counting Pune, none. Dubai wasn't a place to live, it was a place to come in contact with goofs (gooves?) who tag you ten years down the line. Cyberspace has never counted anyway.

Four TV shows I like:

Eh? TV? Whazzat?

No, really... whazzat? itty-bitty people making itty-bitty jokes? Yes, I've watched Seinfeld, but "like"? Hardly!

Four places I’ve vacationed:

Goa. Yeah, that's where I've vacationed. Apart from does Scout Camp count? So what if it does? Never been on one anyway.

Four of my favorite dishes:

1. Liquid
2. Liquid
3. Liquid
4. Liquid

And damn you, Keefie, for dropping the flag and spelling it "favorite".

Four sites I visit daily:

I SHOULD be able to answer this.. okay, let's see, there's yahoo! Mail and gmail and Ryze. That's three. Just another one to go. Okay, I'm gone.

Four Books I’ve Read This Year:

None. This is FEBRUARY, for Chrissake! You expect me to read four books in two months?! Maybe you do, but I don't!

Four bloggers I’m going to tag with this:

1. None
2. None
3. None
4. None

Do you really think I know four bloggers?



At 1:26 PM , Blogger CG said...

you might have got to know 4 bloggers had you tagged them. Unless of course they reveal as much of themselves as you did, in which case we will not have a clue about them. Off the top of my head I remember you for Pune, Goa and Seinfeld.

At 10:41 PM , Blogger Deepak Morris said...

Ah, but you presume I want to know more bloggers.

Besides, I can hardly tag Tom Peters, Seth Godin and the like, whose blogs I visit regularly.

If you really want to know more about me, read the rest of the posts on my blog. Simple, innit?



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