Bloggy Howl, I have a Blog!

A sometimes serious, sometimes fun collection of my writings, readings and online activities...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The greatest temptation to smoke

I'm close to day 40 after having reverted to being a non-smoker. The usual cravings have either disappeared or weren't triggered at all by what I thought would trigger them.

The past couple of days have been frightening, though, because my body thinks I'm still a smoker and is producing massive amounts of mucous to replace the mucous dried out by the smoke. Only, there isn't any smoke so there isn't any shortage of mucous and I now have phlegm filling my lungs and sticking to my vocal chords.

My voice is my life and this is creating tremendous anxiety. I can't sing. The darn notes get smothered by the phlegm. When I go basso in a reading or a voice over, it comes out as a croak. The famous, "Deepak Morris resonance" is absent because there's a bucketful of phlegm clogging the pipe and barrel.

The temptation to return to the demon tobacco just to get my voice back is strong.

I need to ride it out. Sooner or later the body will learn that the poison no longer enters the system and counter-measures are no longer necessary.


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At 9:07 PM , Blogger Keef said...

Snot funny, that.


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