Bloggy Howl, I have a Blog!

A sometimes serious, sometimes fun collection of my writings, readings and online activities...

Friday, October 26, 1990

Exactly about a year ago

Yup, about to the second, EXACTLY around this time, I foolishly signed up again for NaNoWriMo.

Whazzat you say? "Exactly", "around" and "about" can't come together in the same sentence?

Bugger you, bleeding grammar police!

So, I was saying, this very moment, a year ago, I signed up again to type a 50,000 word (that's around 1,700 words a day) novel in a month. Didn't make it. Tried to blog the pathetic result. Didn't work either.

So what have I gone and done?


I'll be blogging my daily 1,700 repetitions of "f@#$" at my simplynovels blog.

Come over and laugh.
