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Monday, December 19, 2005

Preach it loud, bruddah!

Way cool!

I discovered this site called the Dialectizer and it converts text on websites into dialects like Cockney, Hillbilly, Jive, etc.

Here's what my Christmas post becomes in Jive:

Christmas be comin'! Preach it loud, bruddah!! Preach it loud, bruddah!

And dere gots'ta be some funny sto'y about it, right?

Way back when ah' wuz some teenaga' and belonged t'a ya'd group, so's dun did mah' sister, berry berry straightlaced back den. 'S coo', bro.

As dudes is wont t'do, we had snatchn t'pullin' each oder's legs (de males in de group dat is, not mah' sista' and I) and one uh de ways wuz t'"rescribble" Christmas Carols. And so's we came down wid "Deck de Crib wid Balls uh Ollie" in honour of, who else? Ollie! Right on!

Come Christmas Eve and sis wuz deco'atin' de crib, hummin' and lightly rappin' Christmas Carols. In de mood, duzn't ya' know?

Pops stopped ha' at one point and ax'ed, "Er. Ah be baaad..... plum whut is you rappin'?"

"Deck de Crib wid.... OH MY GOD! Preach it loud, bruddah!"


1 Comments, dig dis:

Irfat Arif said...

Dis be hilarious! Right on!


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