Bloggy Howl, I have a Blog!

A sometimes serious, sometimes fun collection of my writings, readings and online activities...

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Potato Salad and Full-Length Plays

Into the second day of the ScriptFrenzy mania and already I'm thinking:
  • What's the use? No one's gonna read it
  • What's the use? No one's gonna stage it
I'd rather write 500 words of drivel that 5 people read than 750 words of drivel that millions might read. Isn't that amazing?

Be that as it may, my last night's effort is up at:

If Pingoat or any other ping thinks that's cross-posting let them eat cake.

No Act I scene 2 tonight. I'm taking a break.


Saturday, June 02, 2007

I've gone and done it


I've signed up for ScriptFrenzy's challenge: write a full-length play in a month, starting June 1st.

Act I, Scene 1 of "Stage Right" is up at my Novels Out There blog (whaddya hexpect?). And to Keefieboy and Mamaduck, yes, it's "Noises Off" reworked, India style.

