Bloggy Howl, I have a Blog!

A sometimes serious, sometimes fun collection of my writings, readings and online activities...

Friday, April 21, 2006

Why I ain't bin postin'

I've bin laden with work, dat's why. Sorry all, I've just been dying to use that pun and this post provides the perfect opportunity.

Okay, hold your breath, the unthinkable has happened (what else can you expect from me?) and my world has suddenly undergone a super-uber-transformation.

Ready for it? Here it is... I have a JOB!

I'm CEO and assistant tea-maker for a company that specialises in corporate films and technical animation. My job is to come up with concepts for marketing / induction / whatever else films/animations, write the scripts once the concepts are approved and supervise the artists to make sure the project is completed. I have permission to execute the artists who don't execute the work, so the job is eminently satisfactory.

That, unfortunately, means I have very little time and energy to keep my blogs updated, so the novel's taken a back seat (with no girl friend) and Bloggy Howl gets sporadic posts about my war with Yahoo. I'll probably have something to say about the MSEB (MSEDCL, whatever) in a couple of days too, since I have to visit their majesties to sort out their current cock-up with my bill.


Thursday, April 20, 2006


Heheh... I know I'm gonna get a whole lotta brickbats about this post but what does it matter? Every which way, I lose.

Woman you're interested in says, "Let's be friends." Then she proceeds to tell you every excruciating detail of her love life. Positions and experiments included.

Okay, so we're mug enough to allow them that freedom.

Now it's our turn to call the friend helpline and we dial the latest friend, said female.

"Don't try to suck me in," she says.

So, what's the deal?


Monday, April 17, 2006

Yahoo has lost it

What is "it"?

My respect, that's all. Or perhaps not all, if I can convince people to boycott Yahoo.

Almost every message I send from my Yahoo account has me try to read its incomprehensible "Captcha" string of letters and numbers to prove I'm human. Fine. I'll do it once per person in my address book. But when I have to do it EVERY TIME I try to send a message to my mother (who's currently in the USA) I say Yahoo has screwed up - major time!

Move to gmail. Get gmail. If you ain't got gmail, send me an email - on my gmail account.

Yahoo sucks. And it doesn't even have the courtesy to reply to my message to it that it sucks.

Goodbye, Yahoo.
