Bloggy Howl, I have a Blog!

A sometimes serious, sometimes fun collection of my writings, readings and online activities...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Great Ant Tamasha

Well, it wasn't as raunchy as a real Tamasha, but it came pretty close.

What happened was, of a night, I'd notice that there were a rather sizable number of ants gathering under the gas stove (two burners on four legs, connected to the gas cylinder), frenetically doing whatever it is that ants do with eggs in their mouths.

So I asked the local chemist if there was something that would keep the ants away. I'm rather old-fashioned and believe that ants in my kitchen lead to disease. Even if they don't, they're yucky, so I don't want ants in my kitchen.

He gave me a powder. No, I mean a real powder, packed in several layers of plastic and a sheet of newspaper. Rs. 5/- (about 50 fils and not really relevant in US currency).

Naively believing that the powder would keep ants away, I sprinkled it where I'd seen the ants.

Within seconds, there were ants pouring out from GKW (God Knows Where), bearing eggs in their mandibles, scrambling to reach GKW (God Knows Where, again).

Some made it to the sink so that they could drown there.

Some climbed the walls (I thought I was the only one who did that, and only when I was mad enough to give up drinking), only to fall back upon the kitchen counter. Oh, did I forget to mention? The ants had been spotted on the kitchen counter and there had I sprinkled the powder.

Some climbed the window grille.

Ultimately, all died and formed a carpet of dead ant (any mention of Peter Sellers and I shall personally hunt you down) on my kitchen counter.

I vaccuumed the bodies but I can't bring myself to empty the bag. If I delay long enough, those eggs might hatch, inside the bag. *shudder*

Shall I throw the vaccuum cleaner into a dumpster?


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At 12:51 PM , Blogger gautami tripathy said...

At some places they make use of ant powder. (Don't ask me where. Gooogle it!)

Maybe you could try selling that vacuum bag to them?


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